
Sunday, October 12, 2008

I support possummomma

I was reading The Calladus Blog when I came across a post regarding possummomma and her blog Atheist in a Minivan. I was traumatized to learn that her blog has gone dark. She's been intimidated and stalked to a point where she felt it was better to stop. You can read all about it here.

Mark, of the Calladus Blog, produced the Possummomma graphic as a way for our fellow blogger to show support. I've added The Calladus blog to my top blogs list to show my appreciation for his effort.

*** Update ***

The Atheist Experience blog is collecting messages of support for possummomma:

Several folks have left comments at the previous post, offering their well-wishes. But consider this an open comments thread where the idea is that you post a message directly to Possummomma herself, as if she were reading it (which she will, because I'm emailing her the link to this post). If her blogging has impacted you — and it's impacted many of us — let her know.
Drop in and let her know how you feel.

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