
Friday, October 31, 2008

How to Use Twitter to Report Voting Problems

twitter vote report

Image by cambodia4kidsorg via Flickr

I'm always looking for good ways to use Twitter. I think tracking voting problems with Twitter is a fantastic idea. They even have have the process linked to Google Maps. I wonder what else Twitter can be used for?

When millions of Americans go to the polls on Tuesday, there are bound to be problems. A grass-roots, non-partisan initiative to call them out via the Internet has been launched; it utilizes Twitter, the popular microblogging service.

The Twitter Vote Report is urging those with Twitter accounts to report voting issues by adding #votereport to a Twitter update. The resulting tweets flow to the site's home page, and will also be plotted on a Google map

Source: How to Use Twitter to Report Voting Problems & Conditions

I'll be watching for action come Tuesday because Buena Park is such a hot bed of voter fraud.

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