
Friday, October 17, 2008

Ex-pastor drops lawsuit

It is the tales of the absurd which amuse me. Take Pastor Leon Harris for instance. You might remember his as the pastor who secretly filmed women and children using a bathroom at the Baptist church where he was the pastor. He was filming toilet shots of women and children as young as five.

Harris filed a wrongful termination lawsuit after he was arrested and convicted on four counts of sexual exploitation of a minor.

Leon Harris, 56, filed a civil suit in Superior Court in July, claiming Rose Hill Free Will Baptist Church and the Central Convention of Free Will Baptists violated his contract when they fired him in 2005.

He dropped the suit voluntarily Thursday.

Harris entered an Alford Plea in July 2007 to four counts of sexual exploitation of a minor in connection with the videotaping charges.

As part of that plea, 48 counts of felony secret peeping were dropped. The Alford Plea means that while Harris did not admit guilt, he conceded prosecutors had enough evidence to likely convince a judge or jury to find him guilty.

I don't think his case had any chance of succeeding. Now we need to watch for Leon Harris to pop up as the pastor of another Baptist church. The mans got to make a living... right?

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