
Thursday, October 23, 2008

Blogroll Update: Science, Reason & Rationality

In the author's own words...

Science, Reason & Rationality is a new website / weblog offering categorized educational online articles & videos to encourage faith-based and emotion-driven thinking believers to consider fact-based science, reason and rationality, critical thinking, critical analysis, scientific and evidence-based inquiry to examine important issues and to use it as a means to arrive or to attain credible and authentic new discoveries.

Science, Reason & Rationality is also compiling the best educative, informative, thought-provoking and relevant video collections available on the internet together in one place for easy reference according to its category.

Subscribers will be notified via email or RSS feed when new article and/or video updates are available. Videos are carefully selected for quality content and it is presented by some really good, well-known and not so well-known scientists, critical thinkers, skeptics and atheists on the internet along with my own descriptions for each videos.

Note: You will only receive articles/videos no more than one or two per week if you subscribe to my blog so you don't have to worry about your email inbox getting flooded. If you wish to subscribe, just click on the subscribe button on the top left of the Science, Reason & Rationality blog and enter your email address. After you've done that, go to your email inbox and click on the activation link that will be sent to you automatically after you've subscribed. If you have any difficulties, do let me know if you need further assistance on how to subscribe to Science, Reason & Rationality. Thanks.

There are many of these great videos in places like YouTube, Google Video and the rest, but they are not categorized nor they are chosen and arranged for quality and educative content, so eventually they get lost and forgotten somewhere in the crowd of thousands, if not millions of other videos.

Finding a really good video for a relevant topic is like looking for a needle in a haystack. Therefore, Science, Reason & Rationality not only functions as a article blog but also as a video blog that looks for these needles in haystacks, and we may even function as a historical article/video archive for these great articles and videos so that it shall be seen and remembered by everyone, both by believers and skeptics of the present and the future for whatever purpose.

This, I think, is another way to make a difference in the world with regards to beliefs and religious differences as it will indirectly attract faith-based and emotion-driven thinking believers to visit the site and watch the videos, and I'm sure it will encourage, enlighten and free a lot of minds in the process as well.

"What is wanted is not the will to believe, but the wish to find out, which is the exact opposite." ~ Bertrand Russell

Please drop in a welcome our newest member.

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