Tuesday, October 07, 2008

Blogroll Update: Phoesune - My DeConversion

It is my pleasure to introduce a new atheist blogger to the Atheist Blogroll, Phoesune - My DeConversion. Please drop by and say hi.

On September 18th, I finally surrendered to logic. The final click of confirmation sounded during lunch on that Thursday when I concluded that there is no proof of god and that everything, so far, can be explained without that presupposition. This blog is to chronicle my path through my deconversion process. Accepting a fact that is opposed to everything you have believed throughout your life is not an easy thing. I hope that by posting this, my experience can be shared and supported.

I live in a very intolerant part of America where expressing my views publicly could cost me my job, my family, and my place. Yes, there are laws and there is practicality. I have always been vocal and adamant about my beliefs and I know that in due time the truth will come out. I cannot remain silent, so through the 'miracle' of science I have been given this outlet to express myself. I invite comments and criticism. In this place, I will not have the freedom to engage in debate and hear counter positions in person but these are vital to the growth of reason and critical thinking so I have to rely on the internet community until I am able or confident to do so with those in my area of the world.