
Saturday, October 04, 2008

Blogroll Update: A Bengali blog on Atheism

Agnisetu is our first Bengali language blog. The forward was translated by author Abul Kasem.

On the inauguration of Fire Bridge (Agnisetu) blog, I have these few words to say.

With the progress of world civilization, one particular aspect is gradually becoming transparent. This aspect is Humanism. There are differences on the appropriate definition humanity; each community attempts to define human and humanity from its own perspective.

Irrespective of nationality, religion, race, and gender, prior to beginning of middle age, much effort has been expended to define accurately human, humanity, and humanism. So far, due to the inclement influence of various societal forces, it had not been possible to arrive at a unanimous decision on these issues. Then, in 1948, after the founding of the United Nations, the definition of the Universal Human Rights was formulated. The most important facet of this concept was that under no circumstances the humanity is to be belittled. At all times, humanity must be the supreme consideration. Contrast this with the Islamic definition of humanity; you will easily grasp the difference once you read it.


I have not tried to keep track of the nationality of our members. Maybe I should.

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