
Friday, October 10, 2008

Another Baptist pastor falls

I do not understand the fascination some Baptist pastors have with child pornography. If I ever get the chance, I'm going ask somebody like Merton Parks. He's thrown his life's work away because of kiddie porn. There must be a reason besides the obvious "I'm a freak" explanation.

Anyway... Parks was busty with child pornography on his work computer. His church promptly fired him. Oswegatchie First Baptist Church did the right thing, and for the right reasons.

We called a special meeting and told him we wanted his resignation and his stuff out of the church by Sunday and not to ever step back into the church," said Glenn Fuller, a First Baptist Church trustee.

Merton Parks is an odd duck. He apparently told his church trustees that he used the pictures for medial research. This just does not compute.

Investigators say the church pastor purchased and downloaded images of several children - some as young as 9 years old - in sexually suggestive poses onto his home computer.

I don't get it. Medical what now?

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