
Friday, July 04, 2008

More charges for Baptist pastor Wood

This guy is a piece of work. Pastor Royden Wood has already been convicted of physical abuse against minor boys and sexual abuse against female congregants. These new charges involve sexual abuse charges against six more females. Wood was pastor at the now defunct London's Ambassador Baptist Church.

Justice of the Peace Michael McMahon agreed to Wood's release under conditions he not contact or communicate with the six women or their families.

He's also prohibited from possessing weapons and acting "in any position of authority in any religious organization or affiliation, anywhere," McMahon said.

So Pastor Wood is banned from being a pastor. Cool... I am not sure we could do that here in the states.

H/T Drunk in Ontario


  1. Anonymous12:37 PM

    It is truly unfortunate that the courts and the judge have been so mislead by Royden's accusers. If you knew Royden Wood you would understand that this is a man who could never abuse anyone. In fact he can be accredited with helping almost anyone who has had the honour to have been under his wing. Unfortunately assumptions and misrepresentations can convict an innocent, let alone a figure of decency such as Royden.

  2. Anonymous10:45 AM

    Royden Wood used his pastoral position to gain the trust and confidence of his congregation. He then manipulated their thinking through his "Affection program" -with teaching that was controversal in the Independent Baptist Church circle which he was associated with.
    Those that were weak and lacked self confidence under his leadership were easily led into believing his teaching was righteous.
    Yes- Royden Wood has performed good works, and has helped many over the years- but that does not outweigh the fact that he out-stepped his position of righteous leadership, into one of manipulation and control, to the detriment of a dozen or more people who trusted him.

  3. I would wager a guess that the "anonymous" commenter has never been fondled or abused by Royden Wood. Royden Wood is a very sick person and should not be allowed in the general public. When he returns to prison, his fellow inmates will take good care of him, they do not take kindly to his kind. He may look like a gentle pastor, but beware he is a wolf in a sheep skin. Hopefully "anonymous" is not his next victim.

  4. Ambassador School Girl Survivor11:38 PM

    My family and I attended Woods church (I use the term lightly I really should say cult)through the eighties.
    My parents were strong in the door to door ministry as well as the children's ministry and served God with a pure heart, to bad Woods manipulated that for his own worldly lusts.
    I attended the "church school" and know first hand about the manipulation, fear mongering and abuse Wood inflicted on us all. Oppression and fear hung thick in the air. The humiliating and inhumane beatings and tortures we bore brunt of or witnessed on a daily basis was a sure way of him proving to us who was in charge. He loved our fear with a passion, you could see the twinkle of delight in his eyes when he hurt and humiliated one of us.
    Separation from society, mental and physical abuse, manipulation of Gods Word to suite his desires are woods tactics.
    Don't be fooled or take religious abuse lightly.
    His abuse has very real and lasting effects on my life, my family and everyone he abuses.
    Divorces, bitterness, personality disorders, addictions and lack of trust, to name but a few.
    Wood isn't the victor though, God is, because even though this Wolf tore our spirits apart, ruined our families, our faith and scattered us God fulfills his promise.
    His promise of destruction against false prophets and restoration of his wounded flock.
    Jeremiah 23
    1 "Woe to the shepherds who are destroying and scattering the sheep of my pasture!" declares the LORD. 2 Therefore this is what the LORD, the God of Israel, says to the shepherds who tend my people: "Because you have scattered my flock and driven them away and have not bestowed care on them, I will bestow punishment on you for the evil you have done," declares the LORD. 3 "I myself will gather the remnant of my flock out of all the countries where I have driven them and will bring them back to their pasture, where they will be fruitful and increase in number. 4 I will place shepherds over them who will tend them, and they will no longer be afraid or terrified, nor will any be missing," declares the LORD.

    I am so proud of all you survivors who were so forthright and courageous as to take the stand, you gave us all a voice and stopped this predator.
    You guys defeated Goliath and I love you for your bravery. Thank-you.

  5. Anonymous5:10 PM

    I don't know Royden Wood, however I do personally know one of his chosen deacons, James Cooper...who has also been charged with sex crimes against congregants that lived in his "halfway house". I know for a fact that Mr. Cooper has already done time in prison...back in the early 90's. He had an incestuous relationship with his teenage daughter, & got her pregnant...then forced her to have an abortion. I can't believe anyone would allow this man to be a deacon in their church...this explains why he would...they're both predators.
