
Saturday, July 05, 2008

I ate at McDonalds's today

In fact, I went out of my way to buy a Chicken Biscuit breakfast combo this morning. Don't get me wrong. I hate McDonald's food. The only thing they sell that I like is a Diet Coke. That's how much I dislike easting the food. I'd rather have a beverage over food.

The last time I ate an McDonald's restaurant was a few weeks ago while traveling in the San Francisco area. Before that it had been months. I just don't like the food. All that has changed now that the fundies have attacked.
A group that opposes same-sex marriage has called for a boycott of McDonald's, saying the fast-food giant has refused "to stay neutral in the cultural war over homosexuality."

The American Family Association (AFA) launched the boycott yesterday because McDonald's joined the National Gay and Lesbian Chamber of Commerce several months ago and placed an executive on the group's board of directors, in addition to donating to the chamber.

McDonald's is fighting back.
"Hatred has no place in our culture," McDonald's USA spokesman Bill Whitman said. "That includes McDonald's, and we stand by and support our people to live and work in a society free of discrimination and harassment."
It is hatred. These people seep hatred for gays from their very pours. The website for the AFA pulls no punches. If members supporting the boycott had their ways, even going back into the closet would not be an option. I smell a desire to eradicate the homosexual agenda (whatever that is) along with gays. Here are a few choice comments.
"I do not believe that supporting diversity includes deviate sexual behavior, what deviation will you support next? pedophilia? incest? Where does it stop??"
- the last time I checked, being gay was no longer a crime.
"You cannot continue to disobey Gods laws (once you know the truth) and expect blessings for yourself or as a corporation. You are doomed to eventual failure. My family and many others will not support your decision to support what you call diversity, and what God calls perversion."
- How is this neutral?

Too bad, McDonald's... This is very disappointing! You've made a terrible mistake since there are many more heterosexuals than homosexuals who patronize your restaurants. McDonald's will no longer be on our family's "favorites" list until a corporate decision is made to withdraw support for the homosexual agenda and instead, support family - marriage between one man and one woman....
- What? does this idiot think all heterosexuals will heed the call to boycott? It's more like the nutball < 1% of Christians who are fundies. And then It will only be those whose kids can live without Chicken McNuggets.
"From statistics I have read only about 2-3% of Americans are gay. That leaves 97-98% who aren't. That's a lot of dollars for McDonald's. We who are in the majority are not wanting the family structure changed. We should not flow with what society wants, but choose to serve God and his statutes. Study history and see what happened to the societies who turned their backs on God. Please, don't align with such a movement. May God have mercy on you. I choose not to support your institution again until you stop contributing to the corruption of the family."

- Um... You don't speak for America.

"Large corporations are quasi public institutions involving stockholders, customers, employees, etc. who have little say in corporate policy. A few influential individuals hijacking the corporation to support special interests is stealing from the public."
- Where did you go to business school? Oral Roberts University?
"If the Homosexual agenda succeeds, there will be fewer children and fewer people to buy McDonald's products."
- WTF?
I can go on and on. These people are hate filled nuts. So - I swear to eat at MicDonalds at least once a week until the boycott ends. I'll choke down a chicken McNasty if necessary. McDonald's, you could throw us all a bone by selling the McRib during the boycott? At least it's tasty in a trailer park kind of way.

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  1. One of my masochistic hobbies is signing up for Conservative newsletters. America's Conservative News this morning mentioned the boycott - but they are, apparently, even prissier than the AFA:

    "AFA Calls for Boycott of McDonalds

    "This boycott is not about hiring h_________, or h_________ eating at McDonald's or how h_________ employees are treated. It is about McDonald's, as a corporation, choosing to put the full weight of their organization behind promoting the h_________ agenda, including h_________ marriage," said AFA chairman Donald E. Wildmon."

  2. That's why we call them WorldNutdaily.

  3. Now I feel really badly; I didn't realize, but by being heterosexual, I've gotten signed up for this boycott.

  4. Well, thanks a lot for posting this, Mojoey. Now I'm gonna have to rush out and get myself a Chicken McNuggets.

  5. exterminator - Makes you want to barf, right?

  6. I ate in quite a McD's while on the road. I can't say I noticed any reduction in business from this boycott. Or improvement in the food.

    Did anyone actually notice the boycott? :-)

    Carolyn Ann

  7. I'm a vegetarian (have been for over 3 years now) so I rarely eat at McDonald's. But since the whackjobs started their protest I've been eating their fries and sundaes a bit more often. Anything I can do to help advance Teh Homosexual Agenda. ;-)

  8. Right on! These are my views from across the seas in Perth, Western Australia:

  9. Honey, you don't need to choke! Try McDonald salads - they are OK (even yummy when you are super-hungry). Or you might try their apple pie or yogurt.

    Sign me up for the anti-boycott. I'll take my daughter to McDonald once a week.

    (For the record: I'm not gay. But, I know this: as long as gay people have the right to sleep with whom they want, I have the right to sleep with whom I want - the right I hold precious).

  10. I was unaware McDonalds was part of my agenda.

    Apparently, Daniel's gay agenda now includes the following:

    wake up
    take shower
    eat a muffin
    go to mcDonald's ?
