
Thursday, July 17, 2008

Blogroll Update: Living the Scientific Life

GrrlScientist was kind enough to write an introduction to her outstanding science blog. She also provided an outstanding introductory announcement on her blog. Please join me in welcoming Living the Scientific Life (Scientist, Interrupted) to the Atheist Blogroll.

Living the Scientific Life (Scientist, Interrupted) is written by GrrlScientist, an evolutionary biologist, ornithologist, aviculturist, and writer. She is a native of the Pacific Northwest but relocated with her parrots from Seattle to NYC after earning her PhD in Zoology/Ornithology. GrrlScientist worked as a postdoctoral fellow for two years in NYC, reconstructing a molecular phylogeny of the parrots endemic to the islands in the south Pacific Ocean. On her blog, GrrlScientist typically writes about evolution (especially at the molecular level), behavioral ecology, the environment, parrots and other birds, horses, bipolar disorder, politics, atheism and life in NYC. She also is an avid photographer and has a lot of friends who are, too, as you will realize when reading her graphics-rich blog. The fourth "blogiversary" of Living the Scientific Life is 4 August, which is just a few weeks away, so plan to pop in soon to wish her blog a happy birthday.

The photography on her blog is outstanding. She has a picture of a Numenius americanus that I want for my wall.

Drop in and say hi.

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