
Saturday, July 12, 2008

Blogroll Update: Drunk in Ontario

One of our new members has been kind enough to provide a short introduction. Please join me in welcoming Father Shaggy of Drunk in Ontario.
Drunk in Ontario is an atheist blog in that it's written by an atheist, sometimes about religion. But really, what else do you need? Is he drunk in Ontario? Usually. Is he a drunk in Ontario? Since he was 18. Politics, pop culture and god(s) from a bar stool. I don't really write from the bar stool (unless someone wants to give me a laptop), but much of my arguments are honed there, concieved there, or overheard and promptly stolen there. My politics lean small-l liberal, and big-G green, driven by policy, rather than partisanship, and I try very hard to see the big picture, and take the long view. On everything. I make jokes, because laughter keeps the dogs of madness and despair at bay. An outsider's look at America (an outsider's look at Canada, for that matter), and a former insider's look at religion. Come over and blow the froth off a few with Father Shaggy.
Father Shaggy was kind enough to promote our growing online community. Please drop in and say thanks.

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