
Friday, June 20, 2008

Pastor McGill just can't stop beating his child

Pastor McGill was arrested last April. I reported on it here.

Rodney McGill, 41, of Sewall's Point, was arrested today on aggravated child abuse charges and released on $5,000 bail.

The arrest marks the second this year for McGill, who was also arrested in April after police said he beat his 16-year-old daughter with an extension cord at a home the family owned in Port. St. Lucie. Records show those charges were dropped.

On Wednesday, Martin County Sheriff's deputies arrested Shalonda McGill, the girl's mother, on a Sewall's Point Police warrant for child neglect charges. She was released after posting $750 bail.

According to police records, the beatings that the 16-year-old girl told St. Lucie Police she received "all her life" from Rodney McGill continued even after his April arrest.

Soruce: Jensen pastor, wife, accused of abusing daughter

McGill in the "pastor" of the New Hope Outreach Center in Jensen Beach Florida. He is also the founder of the comical Young Millionaires Cub and Jett Entertainment. Seriously... I would not pay this guy to be a clown at a kids party let alone give him my hard earned cash for investment advice. Both of his enterprises smell like scams.


  1. Rodney and Shalonda (Shay) Mcgill are a frauds. Unfortunately, they offer you the American dream that turns out to be the American nightmare. They said that they were going to manage a property but they collect the money and do not give to to the landlords. It has been several months and I have not received any rents from the properties. When you call or go by they are either hiding or lying.
    If anyone is considering investing with them "DO NOT DO IT!!!!" They do not mean you no good. They are just trying to fill their pockets. I have first hand experience and I do not wish anyone to go through what i have gone through.

  2. Anonymous12:30 PM

    The reason why Mr. McGill is being exposed because God does not like wickedness. Mr. McGill and this so called investment and condo plan that he sells you as a dream is really a NIGHTMARE, The are crooks and frauds and if you are thinking about investing or evening doing business with them DO NOT I repeat DO NOT you will be SORRY I promise you. The sad part is that they tell you to trust them because they are honest people but when you get to know them in business the are the biggest crooks of all times. If any one else is experiencing what we are experiencing please send in your comments because if we stand together we can get rid of the bad guys that take our hard earned money.

  3. Anonymous12:35 PM

    Mr. Rodney McGill and Shay McGill, The Young Millionaires Group and its associates your time is up and your days of crooking good innocent people are over. I Pray that all that you have taken will be taken from you. YOU ALL ARE CROOKS.

  4. Anonymous5:04 PM

    investing mean risk you was ok when you got 10,000 get a life

  5. Investing; laying out money or capital in an enterprise with the expectation of profit.

    Risk your money in a high risk venture and you face the possibility of losing everything, even if god is involved.

    Risk your money with an unqualified investor and you will end up paying their bills.

    These types of people prey on the ignorant.

  6. Anonymous4:14 AM

    Rodney and Shalonda McGill owner of RSM Investment And Mortgage and the Young Millionaires Group,INC.And the hole criminal gang. salesman Dwayne Chapman&Darel SPEAKE THEY CALL THEMSELFS THE D-BOYS Paul&ANN Mortgage Department And the Property Management Department Edwina Wilcox also the secretary Debra. last but not lest(Mighty Mike)Mike R.James CEO OF HI MOM Productions and co host of the RADIO SHOW the Fast-Lane on this show he help them fraud the people talking about the CONDO PLAIN RODNEY SAY HE MADE INVESTMENT SIMPLE. YEA SIMPLE RIP ME OUT OFF 2.000 AND SHORT OF ONE CONDO AND THE 10.000 CASH OUT PLUS SHORT OF JULY RENT THEY STOLEN after my tenant mail out to their so call property management this man have some nerves he is heartless and to call himself a pastor call his church New Hope OUTREACH Center he really mean no hope after he reach out and steal your dream and your money they are going to weep what they saw if any body want to team up with me on seeking legal advise contact still have the love of GOD IN MY HEART

  7. Anonymous2:45 PM

    They deserve to be where they are...they lies and stole from many people and I need to know if he is actually a pastor where can I find out he married me!!!
