
Saturday, May 31, 2008

Christian Asshat Award for May

Today is the last day for nominations for our first monthly Christian Asshat Awards. I will put up the final ist tonight. I would like to include Mr. Kieffe & his sons from the ongoing saga of christian disrespect via The Underground Unbeliever.

You can read more on the Christian Asshat Awards here. The nominees so far are:
Add additional nominiees to the comment thread on this post or send me an email.

Like I said - I'll take nominations on this up until about 8:00 PM tonight. Tomorrow I'll put the final list up for a vote. Everyone gets three votes to spread around among the candidates. The judges and I will choose from the top three. You can vote now if you like - just post to the comment thread.


  1. I vote for mojoey. A Real Asshat.

  2. Anonymous5:36 PM

    No contest, Ben Stein

  3. yeah..i'd have to go with Stein although it was a tough decision.
    So many theist few awards.

  4. Ben Stein. No question for this month.

  5. That is a distinguished crowd of asshats you have assembled there. How would you like to be in a room with that crowd?

  6. Anonymous10:53 AM

    I guess I'd vote for Ben Stein, too. Given that he's Jewish, it's no small accomplishment to be nominated for a Christian Asshat Award. Clearly, his idiocy transcends religious affiliation...

  7. "Given that he's Jewish, it's no small accomplishment to be nominated for a Christian Asshat Award."

    Yeah..good point.

    Maybe it should be the "Theist Asshat Award", that way all the denominations, sects, and cults can have a fair shot.

  8. I think Theist Asshat award is our new title. And... Ben Stein is our first asshat award winner. I'll post something on the main page soon.

  9. Anonymous8:31 AM

    The award is really different. It will encourage the persons to do more. I have no idea about this. But I am give support for Walter Jackson. My best wishes for him to win this award.
