
Saturday, May 24, 2008

Blogroll Update: Pink Triangle

It is always interesting to see what our atheist/humanist friends across the pond have to say. We have about a dozen or so Atheist bloggers in in Europe already. With the addition of Pink Triangle, our community continues to grow in new and exciting ways.

In the authors own words:

Pink Triangle is the blog of an UK charity called the Pink Triangle Trust. You might say it's the mouthy part of the charity's dealings with the world, the attitude. And just occasionally, when we're talking about the extremes of religious fervour, we can get pretty darn attitudinal!

The charity itself was set up in 1992, so it's getting on a bit. It's part educational and part grant-funding, and is aimed squarely at dealing with humanism, secularism, freethought and so on from an LGB perspective, although most of the posts don't deal with sexuality at all: they just have a healthy dig at religion.

I look in on American religious and antireligious sites quite often, and sometimes feature posts about stories that happen in several countries; but, as you'd expect, we're mostly UK-centric, with issues that really affect us all: Brits, Americans, Ozzies and little green Martians.

So I'd welcome seeing you on the blog now and again, perhaps leaving us a comment to make us feel we're being read. Your comments don't have to agree with the post in question. Lively debate is welcomed.

Cheers from this side of the Pond

Andy Armitage

1 comment:

  1. Anonymous1:58 AM

    I'm really greatful to MoJoey for this post, and hope to be looking in on as many athist/agnostic (etc.) blogs as I can, on both sides of the Pond. Keep spreading the secular word, folks.
