
Saturday, May 03, 2008

Asshats - everybody has an opinion

Everybody has an opinion, most are just plain nutty. Take this nominee for a Christian Asshat award.

I read with interest your recent story about 23-year-old U.S. Army Specialist Jeremy Hall who calls himself an atheist and feels harassed because his superiors challenged him in his ability to lead people of faith in combat conditions.

This young man's convictions and character must be very weak if he had to resort to a lawsuit and a lawsuit in a time of war. Atheist means simply "no god." If he feels this is a fact, why argue? It should be moot to him.

I suspect, however, that this young man doubts his atheism and senses that there may indeed be a God with whom he must reckon with and the fight is not with his superiors but his heart in this matter.

We need military leaders at all levels who can respect the beliefs and convictions of the ones they lead. If, in the case of this young man, they profess no faith, respect them, too. We cannot, however, suspend any discussion of faith or our chaplaincies because of a small number of insecure atheist who should really say they are agnostic.

A dishonest atheist is just as annoying as a dishonest believer.
Walter Jackson

Source: Montgomery Advertiser - Maybe soldier doubts atheism

First he gets the facts wrong. Then he attacks Jeremy Hall's convictions. Next he takes a leap of faith and turns Jeremy Hall from a courageous young soldier standing up for his rights, to a weak-kneed seeker, secretly longing for Jesus.  His big close... ignore the needs of the atheist. They are just sneaky liars anyway.

Walter Jackson - you are hereby awarded a Christian Asshat award for your utter stupidity.


  1. It's that kind of blatant idiocy, the complete lack of insight, and the remarkable ability to pervert reality that makes me hate [some] Christians.

    If their man-god had been real, I can understand why the Romans crucified him. He must have been one obnoxious, self righteous, insipid dumbass.

  2. Interesting--I just blogged about that nitwit. They always like to presume atheists are doubting their convictions but never the reverse. And how is it that the lawsuit is indicative of a character flaw? Christians like to cry "persecution" every chance they get yet an atheist who has been threatened with physical violence is supposed to say nothing? Get real!

  3. Maybe we should organize the Christian Asshats awards. This could be the first nominee, a panel of judges would be selected, and this prestigious award would be given to the most deserving.

  4. vjack - I'm there with you. This could be fun. I'll make a post on it today.
