
Monday, April 21, 2008

Pastor denies abuse

Pastor Rodney McGill denies hitting his daughter with an extension cord despite the linear bruising and blood blisters found on her body by investigators. Nope - his daughter must have walked into a door or maybe a cat 0' nine tails.

Rodney McGill runs a successful real estate business with a name to match the flash of the cars in his lot.  He calls it the "Young Millionaires Group."

That’s located next door to his other business, the New Hope Outreach Church near Jensen Beach, where he serves as pastor.

He also has his own radio show and he’s an outspoken community activist, most recently railing against high power bills in Fort Pierce.

But for the moment, McGill’s biggest cause is mounting his own criminal defense against a charge of child abuse.

"My daughter’s 16-and-a-half years old.  There’s not a history of me spanking my daughter," he says.

McGill’s daughter told police last month after she was suspended from school her father “came out of no where and began to strike her with a white extension cord.”

Source: Pastor denies abuse - WPTV NewsChannel 5

I try to find the the police report for the crimes I report on. I've read so many that they start to run together into one epic story of abuse. Rodey McGill is just the latest Pastor to fall. You can read the arrest report here.


  1. Rodney and Shalonda (Shay) Mcgill are a frauds. Unfortunately, they offer you the American dream that turns out to be the American nightmare. They said that they were going to manage a property but they collect the money and do not give to to the landlords. It has been several months and I have not received any rents from the properties. When you call or go by they are either hiding or lying.
    If anyone is considering investing with them "DO NOT DO IT!!!!" They do not mean you no good. They are just trying to fill their pockets. I have first hand experience and I do not wish anyone to go through what i have gone through.

  2. My father was scammed out of over half a million dollars, so has many others that are either in lawsuits or do not have enough money to pursue a lawyer and have been humiliated, many have had their credit ruined and good name ruined. If everyone would go to the states attorney with the realestate fraud division and tell them their story, something may be done to stop them. Bad things happen to good people when they do nothing.
