
Friday, April 04, 2008

A new feature - Asshats

I started a new feature here on Deep Thoughts. I will be highlighting obnoxious Christian blogs as part of a regular post called Asshats. My first asshats blog is  Atheism Special. Any One [sic] May Respond. You Are Welcome. What a mouth full.

Here is the offending post: Atheist have no norms to live by

Atheists not only do not know why they are alive, but also they do not know how to live as they do not have any norms to live by.  So each one decides for himself/herself how to live! (If you are an atheist it will be very refreshing to read Ps.14 in the Bible.  Read also my exchanges with an atheist guru reproduced in the blog here.)

I smell a fundie teenager.

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  1. What sort of punchline is that?

    So each one decides for himself/herself how to live!


    That's a bad thing?

  2. it is much better to have a great god in the sky to you how to live.

  3. Hi,
    What makes you think s/he's a teenager?

    I'm unable to distinguish :-

  4. my vast experience with fundies

  5. Oy vay. That blogger might be better served on Twitter. There's nothing there, nothing. A series of statements that add up to very little. (Even the "Atheist Guru" bit is self-serving.)

    Oh well. I look forward to more in the Asshats Series. :-)

    Carolyn Ann

  6. Anonymous11:13 AM

    Can we nominate people? Those with blogs? Can we nominate people on debate boards (some who may or may not have blogs)? Can we nominate "just posts" on boards?

  7. Kelly - nominate away! What a great idea.

  8. Anonymous2:27 PM

    That particular post no longer seems to appear on that individual's blog. Just an FYI.

  9. anon - funny how that works...
