
Tuesday, March 11, 2008

From the mailbag

Every so often I get a warning from some misguided fundie. The core message in the entry below is that pastors are above the law.

mojoey, I want to address your attack on God's sevants[sic] and issue you a warning. God's Word warns us not to touch God's annointed [sic] and to do His prophets no harm. He will deal with His own in His way and does not just wink at sin. So, what you are doing will do more harm to you and your life than what you think you are doing these men of God. Whether you believe what I'm saying isn;t [sic]the isuue [sic] here. May God have mercy on you before it's too late.

I doubt God will be condemning me to hell for calling his anointed to task. I going to hell for a long list of other offenses. Hypocrisy Watch is my get out of hell free card.

But seriously. How stupid is this? One must overlook the crimes of the clergy simply because they are clergy? There is no way this is a biblical concept. Or, maybe it is a biblical concept and yet another reason to proclaim religion a fraud.

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