
Friday, March 28, 2008

Cyn posts an anti Mojoey RANT!

I normally attract about three or four pieces of hate mail a week. Once a month I get a nasty death threat, and occasionally somebody will go after me on a blog. They normally share two key characteristics, they are religions and crazy. This time CYN, who is an atheist blogger, was offended by my rejection of her application to the Atheist Blogroll. She posted this RANT on her blog

...just because i'm an atheist does not mean i can not be snarky or a bitch.

so in the atheosphere or whatever the 'cool atheists clique' call it. this 'atheist blogroll' is something. so i'd applied. obviously he only looked at the first page.
i like a certain look to my front page.

i gotta enough stuff in the sidebar. i prefer to post only one day's worth of entries.

because i have AN ARCHIVE.

easily accessible in the sidebar to pull down whatever day you wish. course if i'm on your feed reader......wouldn't matter. you'd know already. i guess i've become too dependent on my feed reader. and i'm OCD just enough that when i go to a new blog. i scour the page looking for details.


anyway...pisses me off...

Cyn: RANT!

Now, it should be obvious that I missed that fact that she only keeps one day's work of entrees on her front page. Shame on me. She did not provide me any information besides her url in her application. How am I to know she runs her blog in a way that looks like it is new when it is not. I don't know her or her blog at all.

Today was a busy day, we had 30 entries. It took me over two hours to process them. Two hours that I would have loved to spend on other activities I might add. I rejected a few blogs today, but I changed my mind after communicating with the blog's owner. Not this blog mind you - Fuck it, it's been blackballed.

I recognize the pattern of self absorbed arrogance at CYN. It causes my mind to flash the red "WARNING WARNING WARNING" sign. In IT we call them high maintenance users and avoid them like the plague. I don't do it on the blogroll because I am trying to help - but not this time.

I don't ask for much. Give me enough information to make this service easy for me to manage. That's it really. Oh, and don't fuck with me over trivial shit.


Poor CYN will not let me comment on her blog. She appears to be a high maintenance blogger and a coward too. Whoo hoo - I hit the double whammy with this one. A blogger who RANTs about imaginary injustices and then censors the conversation to save face. I may run the Atheist blogroll as a service, but I keep Mojoey's shit list for my own pleasure. And CYN just made the list.


The offend screed has been deleted. Perhaps her blog will be next?


  1. Anonymous7:10 AM

    I can't even get onto her blog. It's now open only to invited readers. I guess somebody's a little sensitive.

  2. Hey Mojoey,

    You are doing a great job.

    Just wanted to say thanks.


  3. A little? she's got nutball written all over her.

  4. I can't believe you didn't go hunting and pecking all over her blog - just on the off-chance you might come across her pearls of wisdom! Didn't you know that you're supposed to jump at the chance of "serving" people like her: because they have a "certain look" to their blog?!?

    What? You had something better to do? You did? Oh. Never mind. ;-)

    What an idiot! Oy vay: she's definitely a nut. What is it about some people? They expect, nay: demand that you provide your time, when they aren't especially willing to give of their own! Apparently she prefers a temper tantrum to being a grown-up, (I'll keep it simple, in case she reads this) and she can't apologize, either.

    Thank you for running the list, Mojoey - she might not appreciate the effort it takes, and the amount of time you have to put in, but I sure do. :-)

    Carolyn Ann

  5. She's pestering me to close the comments and delete the post. She even went so far as to call me a bully.

    I've posted over 2400 times on this blog. I've never deleted a post and have only closed comments on one post. I don't think she understands the medium.

  6. I have a strong urge to write about her. :-)

    Helen Boyd has the same problem, I think. She runs a transgender forum, and people seem to think she's at their beck and call, simply because she stepped up to the plate and did something for that community.

    What can I say? I've already said I appreciate the effort you put in. If that Cyn is hoping to avoid embarrassment - it's way too late for that!

    Carolyn Ann

  7. Wow! How utterly lame. You should amend the Atheist Blogroll submission form to say: Must be atheist/skeptic and not a whiny bitch or douche bag.
