
Sunday, March 30, 2008

Angry Christian Blog

Stand Up To Athiest [sic] Bullying - a rant focused on the alleged damage caused by... well, anybody who does not follow Jesus in the exact way the author does. I smell a nutball.  Worse, I smell a fundie nutball.

Here is a sample post from March 25:

They aren’t the only ones but they push society against us. You have to see this video:

It’s amazing. Students are literally being forced into classes that make them read verses from the Koran! This is outrageous. Somehow turning people away from faith is supposed to be tolerance. The more we turn away from God the worse society gets. More godlessness is the liberal’s answer like they drink to cure a hang over.

And what do they learn at the university? Unprotected sex. Coddling to protect their self esteem. Indoctrination to the gay agenda. Kids at college these days are actually taught to have gay friends because it makes them look “cool” and “diverse” and “tolerant.”

( This is a backdoor tactic, I promise you. Just like medical marijuana is code for liberals being able to smoke drugs legally, but in slow motion because moral people are offended at the idea, so they have to try and sneak it by us like that. )

So how can we do something about this? If you have kids, please send them to a Christian school!

Source: Univrsities [sic] taking away Christian rights

I can't help but like this blogger - he spells worse than I do.

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  1. Wow....a few quick points to the nutjob:

    1) Christian schools teach unprotected sex, since abstinence-only education does not work and they do not teach prevention, so the result is more unprotected sex. Then the real toubles begin.

    2) Christian schools encourage the "feel-good" protection of self-esteem that he decries. By limiting their exposure to contradictory or challenging information, Christian schools encourage this coddling. When challenged, they fall back on simplistic pleading and other things (such as quote mining and avoiding/ignoring evidence). All to keep their delusions intact.

    3) As for the "Gay Agenda" - imagine, having gay friends! I suspect that most people do not have friends because it makes them think it is cool - I mean, look at those who "have a friend like Jesus"...well, maybe you have a point.

    I might keep this post in case I need to get an injection of insanity. I'll be sure to turn off and hide my irony meter if I go there.

  2. It's telling that fundies fear conversion through simple exposure. Are they aware of how shallow their faith must be if they could so easily be dissuaded from their beliefs by just learning about other religions or atheism?

  3. Anonymous8:34 PM

    First off I want to tell you that I believe In God the Father, God the Son and God the Holy Spirit, i.e. the Trinity to non christians. I am also a medical marijuana patient albeit an illegal one, but that's not my fault I didn't lie about its benefits and have a private agenda as to keeping it illegal in the USA. But my dr has me on Marinol 5 mg and, off the record of course, he reccommends I smoke marijuana to control the chronic waves of nausea I surf every hour of every day. Due to Diabetic Neuropathic Gastro Paresis. It means my digestive stomach muscles, some of them, are paralyzed. Resulting in delayed stomach emptying leading to 12-24 hr long vomiting sessions needing 48 hrs to recover from. I have more faith today in Jesus Christ my own personal Saviour and Lord, than I did prior to finding out the effectiveness and safety of the cannabis plant in controlling nausea and vomiting. Think about it, you are so sick your quality of life is so low you really start to lose respect for life. Then you find out that that plant you smoked with your friends in college called MARIJUANA, gives you instant relief from the impending feeling that you are going to throw up at any moment, and allows you an easy, accurate, and safe way to titrate your dose as to be effective enough for it to work it is immpossible to Over Dose on Marijuana. God put the Cannabis Plant here for our use just like the Opium Poppy yet Cannabis, which is not addictive (I know this from 27 years of smoking Cannabis then quitting cold turkey due to boredom with the drug, yet I suffered no withdrawal effects at all) is the one labled as addictive, HA! My sleep cycle wasn't even disturbed) This is just proof positive that the U.S. Government has been lieing to the people in regards to the medical efficacy of marijuana for their own private agenda, which is based solely on money and the love of it. Remember what Jesus said about the love of money? These are the people running the country, just Google 'Bush and Nazi' and see what you find out about Preston Bush G.W.'s grandpa!!! Since the 1930's America began its "Fear and Smear Campaign" against marijuana. Truth is this nation would be far better off if the God given nonaddictive, nonfatal theraputically active substance known as THC/marijuana, i.e. Cannabis Sativa and/or Cannabis Indica and Cannabis Ruderalis, were legal. The conflict and confusion created because the Government is behind/slower than the people & medicine in regards to marijuana use has to change, plus our government is corrupt, use the power of your vote to fix/change this. They would have no reason to lie to us if they were not corrupt, right? Right. So we must pray for the politicians who are blind to the medical benefits of marijuana that Christ will soften their hearts and open their eyes to see the light of the Cannabis Plant medically, recreationally and spiritually. As DEA Chief Administrative Law Judge Francis L. Young said in 1988, "Marijuana, in its natural form, is one of the most theraputically active substances known. It would be unreasonable, arbtrary and capricious for the DEA to continue to stand between those sufferer's and the substance." Peace be with you.

  4. Ahm, no offense but that has very little to do with the fundamentalist post, our host's post was talking about.
    That was a very interesting harangue you made on the legalization of Delta Nine tetrahydrocannabinol, but again, what does it have to do with this?
    Also, you're not making a good point for believers everywhere if you start telling us that you became a devout believer after a pot high. Actually you just reinforced my opinion that faith is a delusional mental disorder...
    Peace be with you too, and I hope your condition can and will improve (and good luck with the legalization issue).
    That said its not only conversion by exposure they have a problem with, they think the world must be as they said (since they possess the only inerrant, unequivocal, errorless, exact, faultless, impeccable word of GOOOOD *dun dun duuun*), else it is a rotting cesspool of filth. Talk about delusions of grandeur...

  5. I never know what to do with this sort of thing. I hate to send traffic to some nutjob, but some of them are so awful that highlighting them is just too tempting.

  6. Ah, yes - cure the sins of the world by sending your kids to Christian schools . . . .

    I went to Christian schools from first grade through sixth. Then, when my older brother (who'd gone to Christian schools the whole way from first through twelfth) got kicked out weeks before graduation ("we're in the education business, not the forgiveness business"), my parents decided maybe they weren't getting as much Christianity as they were paying for.

    I went to public schools for junior high and high school. You know what? The people I met there (of whatever beliefs) *acted* more Christian than anyone I encountered at church school.

    Meanwhile, the kids that had gone straight through Christian schools were getting into some pretty unhealthy and illegal stuff, because they knew they no longer believed the lines they'd gotten from the church, but didn't know where to draw the line. . . .

  7. Joe,

    You do realize that this guys site is a total farce right? He is just a troll. He set it up and pretends to be a fundie christian. I have read several of his posts, including his "bio" and it is a total fake. Read the bio then the one about "Geekery + Communism" totally absurd.. way to much to be a regular nut job.

    So yeah. The site is total Hogwash.. just thought you should know. Pretty funny when you actually think about it.

  8. crap-o-la

    I knew it was too good to be true.

    Funny too.

  9. i'll bet Jesus smoked pot and had unprotected sex between the ages of 12 and 35. and if you have more than 15 friends chances are one of em is gay, whether you know it or not...

  10. I had already pulled my knives out and was ready to have some fun with this post but what's the point if the source is bullshit.

    Even so, that disturbing frame of mind is present in the fundamentalist Christian world. And because of that, we have quotes from respected, gifted individuals who say things like "I like your Christ, I do not like your Christians. Your Christians are so unlike your Christ." Ghandi.
