
Saturday, January 05, 2008

pastor busted in craigslist prostitution sting

It is the little things that make me smile. Like a lawyer, politico and a pastor busted for using craigslist to score prostitutes.

Three prominent men caught up in an online prostitution sting in St. Paul have pleaded guilty to misdemeanors.

Timothy Droogsma, a former spokesman for Gov. Arne Carlson and U.S. Sen. Rudy Boschwitz, pleaded guilty Thursday to engaging in prostitution.

Mark Kevin Johnson, a pastor at the time of his arrest, and Robert Daniel Rasmus, an attorney and former Hennepin County prosecutor, pleaded guilty last year to engaging in prostitution and offering to hire a prostitute, respectively.

When St. Paul police started getting complaints about ads on craigslist, the vice unit began sting operations. Police arrested about 50 people - both prostitutes and johns - between May and the fall.

All three men received similar sentences - fines, community service, an order to go to "John school" - and the charges will be dismissed after one year if they follow the judge's orders and don't get in trouble for similar offenses.

Source: - Politico, pastor and lawyer plead guilty in craigslist prostitution sting

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  1. I can't stand the hypocrisy of the pastor.

    But having said that, prostitution should be legal. So for the other two who were arrested: unless someone was hypocritically preaching the evils of sex or prostitution, I consider them a victim of state excess, not a criminal.

  2. I know one of those other two men and ironically, yes, he used to be a Lutheran minister. I never trusted him because he smiled like a jackal.
