Wednesday, January 30, 2008

Out of the mouth of a pre-teen

Sometimes my sons make me so proud I could burst. I have two sons. One is an adult and already making his way in the world. My other son is 12 and still very much the focus of my life. I know he will slip away once he hits his teens, so for now I savor every moment.

Last week my youngest son was working on a school project about the history of the Arabian Peninsula. This project was a big deal to him and would count for a large part of his grade in history. During the final assembly of the paper, he was stressing over including the required pictures. I asked him what the problem was, and he replied that he had forgotten to include some of the pictures, including one of Mohamed. I told him that Muslims would be offended a graphical depiction of Mohamed. My older son was standing next to me at the time, he echoed my concern. My younger son tossed me a "oh dad" look and replied "We'll, I'm not a Muslim so why should it matter?"

That's my boy!

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Unknown said...

You should certainly be proud. Next time maybe he'll include those Danish comics too!

Johnny C said...

Very nice! Sounds like a great kid, Joe.

Evolved Rationalist said...

That should do the trick.

Anonymous said...

Ignorance is bliss...

Mojoey said...

and blind obedience to an invisible sky god is the height of ignorance.