
Sunday, January 13, 2008

A new year, a new logo

Q from Let There Be Light was kind enough to volunteer his artistic services to the Atheist Blogroll. He's made three new logo's. My question for the group, which one shall it be? Or, should we use all of them? Q is a talented graphic designer, he's even open to suggestions.

Version #1

Version #2

Version #3


  1. I like #2. It's simple. It has a science theme. And the color scheme for #3 always seemed to call to mind a flag of a fundamentalist country from the Middle East. :)

  2. I like #2 as well. For the same reasons.

    Not a copy cat me. No no.

  3. #2 works for me. The font in #3 is overused.

  4. I like all of them, but I think my preference would also be for #2. Of course, what matters most is which one you like the best.

  5. I prefer the one you're already using...why fix it if it's not broke? But if you feel you must change it, then #2 is easiest to read of the three new choices.

  6. My personal rankings (normalized*):

    #1: 5
    #2: 4.5
    #3: 2
    Current: 1

    *i.e. by definition my favorite of the available choices is 5 and my least favorite is 1. I don't actually despise the current logo.

  7. Anonymous6:39 AM

    I like number two, with number one as a close second. Does that make sense?

  8. I guess I'm a lone voice so far for #3. I like that little atom left over from the '50s.

    Also, even though it's facing in the opposite direction from its traditional depiction, that crescent in #1 really creeps me out. Where my computer is situated, the damn thing faces Mecca.

  9. #1, or #2.

    #3 is too much like a flag.

    Kudos and much Cosmic Whatever to Q for coming up with the designs! And volunteering. :-)

    Carolyn Ann

  10. Anonymous11:42 AM

    #1 for me, thank you. I'm partial to blues and greys and dislike reds and greens. The message is the same anyways.

  11. Like Patti - I like the existing one, but if change must come, let it be no. 2

    The middle east flag thing - Investment Bankers say "never invest in a country that has green in its flag"

  12. Hmm...

    I like the #2 logo the best, perhaps with the #3 color scheme -

    It'd be a nice evolution of the original logo, and that's fitting, don't ya think?

  13. I'll second the exterminator and get behind #3. The idea of being able to choose from different ones sounds fun also.

  14. Anonymous6:23 PM

    I like #2 but we could also just have a rotating image.. have anyone who wants submit their own
