
Tuesday, January 01, 2008

I miss Pope John Paul II

I have a new years tradition of reading the Pope's New Years prayer. I started doing so in 1984. I always felt John Paul was a man of tolerance and peace. I found his New Years prayers to give hope. Pope Benedicts follows a different path. His 2008 New Years prayer equated gay marriage with war.

He said the traditional family led by a husband and wife instilled values that promote peace, and added it was an "irreplaceable" institution.

"Those who are hostile, even unknowingly, to the institution of the family ... make peace fragile for the entire national and international community," the Pope told crowds gathered in a sunny St. Peter's Square.

Source: Pope says family key to peace | Reuters

Following his logic, gay marriage leads to violence and war. What kind of screwed up logic is this? Note to Pope Benedict - Intolerance is the road to war. Pope John Paul II knew this, how is it that you have forgotten?

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