
Tuesday, January 15, 2008

Blogroll Update: The Humanist Life

I'm happy to introduce a new voice to the Atheist blogosphere, The Humanist Life, written by the cryptic anexa85, who could be an 85-year-old blogger named Anexa, (or maybe a 20 something blogger with a first name starting with A and a last name of Nexa). I don't know if the author is male or female, nor do I know his or her nationality, sexuality, ethnic origins, food preferences, or the type of car (or maybe bike), he or she drives. But what the hell, he or she is an Atheist, so that is good enough for me.

In his or her own words:

This site was created to inspire individuals who have have chosen not to take up a religious position to feel safe and comfortable with that decision. The term Humanist is used throughout this site in order to stop advocating the idea that we must label ourselves in opposition to another set of beliefs or ideas. There are no A-racists as Sam Harris, author of The End of Faith, so eloquently puts it, so why A-theists? It is time that we created a name under which people who want to see the betterment of mankind, but without the supernatural meddling, can come together to bring a sense of understanding and acceptance of this viewpoint to the world we live in today. I don't personally have a problem with the term Atheist but that only tells me who you're not, I'm more interested in who you are.

Note from Mojoey on the name Atheist self styled replacement name "Bright"... dumb as hell. I despise the Christian name for us, Darwinists. Yuck! Something more eloquent would be nice, but I don't really care enough about the issue to invest any gray matter. I will tell you this, if you must describe me try atheist, naturalist, libertarian, skeptic, socially liberal, tolerant, and don't forget snarky bastard. 

And yes, I am in a very weird mood this evening. I think I need to fire up Team Fortress and kill a few heavies.

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