
Wednesday, January 02, 2008

Another brick in the wall

I silently rejoice each time I read of a new scientific discovery which adds to our knowledge of evolution. In cases like this, where we find missing links which bolster the Theory of Evolution, well... I feel like shouting the news to a few of my less than enlightened friends. Scientists, and in this case science students, find evidence to support evolution in a continual learning process which cannot be held back by the insipid hovindian masses.

The crystal structure of a molecule from a primitive fungus has served as a time machine to show researchers more about the evolution of life from the simple to the complex.

By studying the three-dimensional version of the fungus protein bound to an RNA molecule, scientists from Purdue University and the University of Texas at Austin have been able to visualize how life progressed from an early self-replicating molecule that also performed chemical reactions to one in which proteins assumed some of the work.

Source: Scientists find missing evolutionary link using tiny fungus crystal

Take that Kent Hovind!

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