
Sunday, December 02, 2007

Things that piss me off

I have always had a thing for bumper stickers. The people who put them on their cars are making a statement. Usually in direct opposition to the values I hold dear. I carry a camera to record the worst examples. I get no end of shit from my family for this odd habit. But what the hell, I'm a little odd. I'm ok with it.

I read about M. Reza Salami who protested a bumper sticker posted inside a patrol car. It read "Jesus is your savior". Salami read it while waiting for a police officer to search his car during a sobriety checkpoint (don't get me started).

The police do not even understand why Salami would have been offended by a brazed attempt at Christian indoctrination.

Sheriff BJ Barnes said Salami asked him to apologize for offending him.

"Personally, I hate that this gentleman was offended," Barnes said. "If he is offended by that, then he should choose to ignore it."

Source: Patrol car Jesus raises legal hackles" : : Greensboro, North Carolina

Rather than apologize the police choose the "screw you" approach to public relations. If poor Mr. Salami don't like it, he can appeal to the boss. Oh wait, I am the boss. Screw you Salami.

Barnes goes on to explain that the sticker is not against policy policy.

Barnes said the sheriff's office doesn't have a formal policy on what personal effects deputies are allowed to keep in their patrol cars, but he supports deputies displaying anything that gives them comfort for 12-hour shifts on a dangerous job.

Using this idiotic rational a police officer could post graphic images of transsexual midget sex acts and it would be OK because the officers need it to pass time on a dangerous job.  Never mind that the car is government property and that the police are agents of the state. They should be able to post whatever propaganda they choose. If it seems stupid, that's because it is stupid.


  1. I don't really know where to stand on this.. if the sticker was outside the patrol car, which gives the indication it is supported by the police then yeah I don't think it is right. BUT if I am a cop and I have something INSIDE my car, say upfront for my eyes only. (not the back seat where those detained would be subjected to it)... how far do you go with it.. what if I wanted a picture of Darwin on my dash to remind me that some people are stupid and deserve the Darwin award. I mean, can they not have a cross on or hang it from a mirror? Can they not have a saint statue or Hindu god/goddess statue? What if it wasn't religious.. but political... I mean... if it isn't noticeable... generally, then I don't see a problem with it in the context of the job per se... not that I don't think people are stupid for believing in 90% of that stuff. But if it was visible for a majority of people then yes I would have a problem.. but this sounds like it was in the front and was for the officer...

  2. Johnny - according to the article, the sign was posted between the front and back seats. And unless it was a double-sided sign, that blows the "it's there for the officer's comfort" claim out of the water, because it was aimed at anyone in the back seat.

    This is the case of a police officer aiming a religious message at anyone that winds up in that back seat - and how often is someone in that back seat by his or her own choice?

  3. Anonymous12:17 PM

    The patrol car belongs to the taxpayers! When you're on the job on taxpayer's money, your duty is to be "neutral". Period.

  4. It is tough for those of us who just can't accept unsupported claims of religious authority to keep our mouth's shut in the face of these violations of the constitution.

    I know that my tax dollars are going to politicians in my government who would gladly replace most of the constitutional rights with christian doctrine. It gets harder every day to keep our mouths shut, and just laugh it off.

    Those cops are public servants, and can believe what they want in private. Not on the job... period.

  5. If I am Sitting in the back of a police car, the only thing I want to see is the number to my lawyer.

  6. Sorry I didn't read the article, it wasn't loading for me at the time... Now that I read it and it says that it would be in the back where those detained would be forced to see it.. then fuck no... that is not right.

    But hey.. I just had a GREAT idea... Selling ad space (to lawyers, bail bonds, etc.) on the back seat of a cruiser... huh? LOL It could make MILLIONS... sorry...
