
Monday, December 24, 2007

A story from my day - One

I played an early morning round of disc golf at El Dorado Park early this bight Christmas eve morning. For those of you in cold places, it was bight and sunny. I wore shorts and a t-shirt with a dose of sun screen for good measure. It was a perfect Socal winter morning.

I played alone for the first few holes. I caught a threesome on the 6th hole. They asked me to play with them instead of allowing me to play through. They were young men, my guess was they were in their early 20s. They paid too much attention to me. My fundie senses tingled.

On the tee box they asked me if I was a Christian. I told them no, that I was an Atheist, and not interested in their faith. They wanted to talk, I wanted to walk. I did a quick calculation in my head and realized I would spend at least an hour with the guys. it was going to be a long morning.

I was playing well. I pared the 6th hole while they shot one or two over. They continued to pester me with questions. I asked if they had ever really played disc golf before. When they asked what believe in (since I did not believe in Jesus), I responded with "I believe in love, you know, like the U2 song One. I got a few blank looks. So I quoted the song:

One love
One blood
One life
You got to do what you should
One life
With each other
One life
But we're not the same
We get to
Carry each other
Carry each other

The actually said "we only listen to Christian bands". When I told them U2 was a Christian band they laughed. I just shook my head. These guys were not only fundies, they were wearing blinders too. I told them that U2 and the song One carry the message of love as the higher power of "oneness". It is how I try to live my life. I try to love everybody. They did not understand how I could do it without Jesus. I... well I did not really care.

A few minutes later I got my first ever hole in one on the 9th hole. It was a very good day.  

Happy Holidays everyone.

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1 comment:

  1. Congratulations that's a very interesting and humorous story, especially considering the Christians only listened to Christian music and had not heard of U2.

    For my part I would say that being capable of showing genuine love for anyone you meet in your day to day life is a much more beautiful thing when void of religion. Religion distorts and blinds love's universal capabilities and possibilities when fused with the notion that some God's intention is for you to love you neighbor.
