
Thursday, November 29, 2007

Leonard Smith goes to prison

50 people showed up to support pastor Smith at his sentencing. It was better that he deserved. Of course it was 50 completely deluded hypocrites....

The Rev. Charles Mosley said he still sees Smith as a Christian man who has done good things in the church and the community.

“He is still needed in the church,” Mosley said. “He is still needed with the young people. He is still needed with the senior adults.”

Source: Church leader goes to prison. By Leslie Boyd

Smith molested 6 boys. What the hell is wrong with these people? Why do other pastors feel the need to tell the court that an admitted pedophile is "still needed with the young people...".

The pastors preach forgives, but what they are really saying is that they exist as a class above those they serve and are therefor no subject to the same laws (and penalties).

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