
Sunday, September 16, 2007

A tale of polygamy and rape

Got to love them pseudo Mormon polygamy cults. Forcing children into marriage, child abuse, rape. This cult is disgusting.

ST. GEORGE, Utah, 15 (UPI) -- A Utah woman testified she tried to kill herself on her wedding night after she was pushed into marrying her cousin by polygamous-church leader Warren Jeffs.

The woman, identified in court as Jane Doe, said she was so appalled by the consummation that she felt “evil” and downed two bottles of Tylenol and ibuprofen in an unsuccessful suicide attempt.

Jeffs is charged with rape in Utah on the grounds he coerced the underage marriage, which allegedly led to forced sex. The Arizona Republic said Doe was 14 at the time and had been stunned to hear from her father than she had been ordered to marry a 19-year-old first cousin whom she didn’t like.

Doe, now 21, faces cross-examination Monday in the St. George, Utah, courtroom.

Jeffs is a real piece of work.

(via Peoples Republic of Newport)

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1 comment:

  1. I just listened to a news podcast of this as I was riding the elevator to work yesterday. A colleague actually asked what I was listening to because of the disgusted look on my face.
