
Sunday, February 11, 2007

Americans are gullible

We obviously don't have the common sense of a dog. At least that is the reasoning of Rev. Bresciani in his Post-Chronicle religion article - Richard Dawkins: Madalyn O'Hair with a British Accent.

Being enamored of the pomp and perfection of all that is akin to Elizabethan English does not necessarily prove that a speaker is endowed with exceptional intelligence, and by no means does it say anything of their character. Americans don't seem to know this, just like dogs don't know it isn't bacon, but even worse is the inclination to accept anything spoken with a British accent as initially more intelligent right out of the gate.

I looked up hasty generalization just to make sure this blatant example fits the mold. And Yes, Rev Bresciani is guilty. Does he really believe Americans think the British more intelligent simply because of an accent? That we automatically accept whatever a British person says just because of an accent? I sure hope not - I don't, and I don't know many people who do.

Rev. Bresciani screed goes on to lampoon Dawkins as the court jester of secularism. All without proof of any kind. Bresciani trots out the same old inaccurate and illogical arguments to defend his position - all with the hope of discrediting Dawkins and bashing Americans who listen to his lectures. 

Rev. Bresciani is an American, which makes his writing more difficult to understand. His own words show that he does not understand the nature of science. Simply calling science "secular science" is enough to show his true inclinations. He is an intellectual fundamentalist who is willing to sacrifice anything in the service of his cause - even his fellow Americans. Perhaps I am being too harsh - but something about the tone in Rev. Bresciani's articles is unsettling. I sense jealously, pettiness, and intellectual dishonesty.


  1. It's only a matter of time before Rev. Bresciani tells us Dawkins smells like poo and is a girl.

    He might even pull a big "L" on his forehead whilst doing so.

  2. It was only recently that I watched a show on TV about Madalyn O'Hair. Prior to that I was marginally aware that she was hated by the american theistic community, but I hadn't paid much attention to her or to what she may have said.

    I can't say that I was terribly shocked by anything I heard her say on the TV show about primarilly, parts of her life and death.

    She just seemed gutzy and confrontational. Of course she was gutzy and confrontational at a time in history when MANY people were gutzy and confrontational about many issies, so maybe that is why she didn't stand out as being particularly different to me in this regard.

    This little saying seems to have been removed of late from the american lexicon - "I disagree with what you are saying, but I will fight for your right to say it." I think we are all worse off when we attempt to silence those with whom we disagree.

    Of course, if Madalyn O'Hair had been 5ft 11 with the face of an angel and big bazookas, she wouldn't have received anywhere near the negative rap that she did, regardless of whatever it was she said. That she was "homely" and did virtually nothing to hide this fact, just added to the societal hatred of her.

  3. Anonymous9:21 PM

    Oh c'mon there is no exaggeration about Americans being enamoured of the British accent. When is the last time you were in a class with freshmen or sophomores, get real it goes with the territory.

    American kids can hardly read much less speak right. They automatically think "Genius" when some does.

    You live in a cloud.

  4. Anonymous9:23 PM

    Bresciani hits harder on the draw than you do at your best. Grow up.

  5. hm... I must of hit a nerve.
