
Saturday, December 02, 2006

It's that time of the year again

My inbox is starting to fill up with with Libertarians who intend to run for President. I get a kick out of the process because most Libertarians who choose to run, cannot get elected to a local school board. Yet, they have a plan to "save America".  Take Christine Smith  for instance (and no, not the Christine Smith from NWS - Playboy).

America needs true leadership.  I am running for President of the United States because I love America, and feel called to help save it.  It is time for a people's America.

I want to represent you, and will work to immediately enact changes in the federal government which I believe will make America safer, more productive, and regain and ensure the civil liberties guaranteed American citizens. 

[it goes on and on]

Source: Christine Smith Mission Statement

Christine has a blog, which needs some design TLC. She has a brief press release up at LNC, and she has been interviewed by The Next Prez. She is a Natural Law libertarian - and completely unknown to me.

I often wonder what motivates people to run for President under the Libertarian banner. It is the hopeless cause of hopeless cases. If she is lucky enough to become the official Libertarian candidate, she will live in the obscure shadow of the real candidates. I would feel differently about running for a major office if there was a chance that we could made a difference. But, history shows us, very few make any impact. It is a waste of time and energy, but... I love it because they all tend to be borderline crazy.


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