
Saturday, November 25, 2006

Your Thoughts Create Your Reality

 I don't know what this guy is talking about, but I tried the blue leaf exercise described below anyway:

You are going to create reality. I borrowed this reality creation exercise from Pohaku (HunaTrainer), which he borrowed from a wonderful little book titled Illusions, by Richard Bach. If you read that book, you may recall how Richard meets Donald Shimoda, a modern day messiah that teaches that miracles are nothing more then understanding the universe. He tells Richard that he can have anything he wants simply by imagining it. He tells Richard how to visualize an object. Richard first wants his dream woman, but Donald tells him to start small so Richard chooses a blue feather. A few days later Richard finds his blue feather on a milk carton.

The exercise I am asking you to do is to manifest an object. You can pick anything you want. The important factor is to start small. To do so, just pick something unimportant to you, with little pre-conceived value. That makes the exercise a lot easier. The variation I suggest is to pick and manifest a blue leaf. This is how it works: for the next day or so, think about a blue leaf as often as you can. Keep that thought in mind; visualize it in your meditations, write “blue leaf” on post-it notes and attach it on your computer’s monitor, etc…

If you do so, a blue leaf will appear in your life soon. Most likely it will appear within 24 hours, but if it takes longer don’t panic. It will appear. I guarantee it. When I did it the very first time with a blue feather, it took about 12 hours. When I did it the second time with a blue leaf, it took 2 hours.

Source: Your Thoughts Create Your Reality » Reality Seeds

It's 24 hours later... no blue leaf. Wait.... maybe it was not a blue leaf I visualized after all, but just a leaf, ya ya, something smokeable, yes! I can visualize! Now, think prime rib....


  1. Anonymous2:02 PM

    mmmmmmm.... smokeable leaf and prime rib....



  2. Anonymous3:35 PM

    I have found through years of practice that my thoughts and more specifically my intentions defiantly alter my experiences in a very positive way.

    Visualization is a powerful tool if you actually take the time to practice it.

    Nice Blog!

    Dave Dragon

  3. Anonymous12:00 PM

    What if the world were different? What if the world were a place where everybody was happy? What if the world were a place where everything (animals and plant life included) was at peace? What if we, as humans, lived harmoniously with our surroundings? What if the purpose of life was to be joyful – all the time? The intention of this blog is to provide examples of answers to these questions.

    We are all co-creators of the future.

    Adhering to this premise, all of the posts that can be found at “Imagine Into Being” are intended to co-create the future. These “imaginings” are wonderful additions to the possibilities of what is to happen in the future. Every thought ever created is part of a grander collection of thoughts. The more times a thought is believed and energy it garners (by way of more and more people believing it), the more likely it is that this thought is going to occur. This is the perfect reason for this blog.

    The world is aching for more positive and intentional thoughts to be added to the collection. This blog seeks to do that by contributing a number of intentional and very different possibilities for the world.


    With Love and Gratitude,

    The Intentional Sage
