
Monday, November 06, 2006

Nutball Alert: Liberal Stinkin thinkin

On my morning drive to work I listed to NRP speculate about if Bush tried to influence Tuesday's elections by pushing for a death sentence in the Saddam Hussein trial in advance of Tuesdays elections. I thought it odd that people would speculate that a long expected outcome would in some way have been manipulated by Bush. The people of the world have watched the slow steady cadence of a known process that could only result in a  a guilty verdict and death sentence. Yet, nutball liberals, who are in many cases are just as scary as the religious right, actually think Bush pulled the strings.  It's is crazy.

When all else fails... execute the dictator. It's that simple. When American troops are being killed by the dozen, when the country you are occupying is threatening to break up into smaller countries, when you have militias and death squads roaming the streets and you’ve put a group of Mullahs in power -- execute the dictator...

Once again… The timing of all of this is impeccable -- two days before congressional elections. And if you don’t see it, then I'm sorry, you're stupid. Let's see how many times Bush milks this as a "success" in his coming speeches.

Source: Ahead of Elections, Bush Plays Saddam Card - OhmyNews International

It scares me to think that people can be so blinded by their agendas. I was only a few weeks ago that I heard our own Vice Presentment Darth Cheney saying that the rise in Iraq violence was linked to a desire to unseat elected Republicans in the elections. It is all crazy, yet I know some impressionable people will believe it because it fits their world view.

Regarding the pending execution of Saddam - why must he be killed? How about mercy and a dank lonely prison cell for the rest of his life instead?  We've killed too many people in the name of peace and security, it is time to stop killing people. I agree with Tony Blair - no hangings please. Of course, I'll will watch the live feed.


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