
Wednesday, November 08, 2006

Dobson quits as Haggard counselor

 I suspected that something like this would happen:

Citing a lack of time, Focus on the Family founder James C. Dobson withdrew from the team overseeing counseling for the Rev. Ted Haggard, the evangelical pastor embroiled in a scandal involving a male prostitute and illegal drugs.

Source: Dobson quits as Haggard counselor - Los Angeles Times

You see, Ted Haggard has admitted to a lifelong obsession with men. If Haggard has been struggling his whole life, the chances of Dobson being able to "heal" Haggard are pretty slim. Since Dobson believe Homosexuality can be "cured", the risk of failure is high. I think Dobson is backing away from Haggard because the risk of failure will expose Dobson's anti-gay agenda as a fraud.



  1. Anonymous2:31 AM

    I am an active member of New Life Church in Colorado Springs, and my husband is on Staff there. Pastor Ted Haggard was my Pastor, he is my Pastor, and he will always be my Pastor. I am a Baptist Preachers Kid. My dad raped my sister and beat my mother and all of his five kids viciously during all of my childhood, as well as cutting mama and himself up with razor blades. My big brother raped and beat me during all those years as well. My dad was a great preacher, yet no one knew of his sexual sins and evil actions. When I exposed this, I was cast out of my family-forever. I know what it feels like to be looked at as a trouble maker and a liar-simply because I told the truth and went for help. My mother died thinking I lied and never talking to me nor loving me.

    One thing I have learned at New Life Church via Pastor Ted and his wife Gayle is that God is a God of total forgiveness. Even whenever Peter denied Christ-three times, Jesus immediately forgave him and restored him by telling Peter to Feed His Sheep. I have completely forgiven those that have raped and beat and cast me out, yet Pastor Ted was accused, exposed, and cast out of our church by the third day. Even the most evil criminals on earth are given time and a trial and the benefit of the doubt-until proven innocent or guilty, yet even though the accuser involved here FAILED the polygraph test concerning his accusations-that came on the dawn of an election concerning this accusers sins, our church was told by people that did not attend our church, nor did they build our church with their money, blood, sweat, and tears, nor did they ask any of the "Body of Christ" that attended New Life Church what we wanted or thought-came into our church Sunday and announced to us that they had ousted our beloved Pastor.

    I have been delivered from the dark and sinful life of homosexuality myself, and was totally delivered, forgiven, and restored into the Body of Christ. Because of my testimony, thousands of people (sinners) have been saved and given hope. Christ said that upon this rock I will build my church concerning Peter, yet Peter sinned more than Pastor Ted supposedly did-by denying publicly that he even knew Christ. It is curious that God still chose to build "Your Church" and "My church" upon Peter-a sinner! It is a dark day when all they have managed to do is send a message to those that are lost and hate God-that Christians will crucify their own.

    I know this Larry Stockstill personally-from 15 years ago-when I came to him-pregnant with child. My now husband and I went to him as our pastor and asked for guidance and forgiveness and restoration. Larry Stockstill in a fit of rage told my now husband, to take me and our unborn son to the edge of the city and stone us to death. A friend also went to Larry about her own sin of adultery. She got the same advice and was publicly ousted from our church. Debbie, this friend, slit her own throat because of Larry Stockstill, and is now mute, and has given up on life. How many others in Baton Rouge has Larry Stockstill killed by the "Letter of the Law"? How come this judgmental, and sinful man-Larry Stockstill had the right to oust our Pastor? After all, Larry Stockstill will never be as known as Pastor Ted had become in far less years of ministry.

    Larry stood in Pastor Ted's place as he boasted to us and to the Press that Pastor Ted's punishment came swiftly and that we should be proud! I tried to go to the new acting preacher (the song director) on Sunday morning and have him at least consider that this is wrong, yet Ross Parsley had his thug Swat team harass, attack, and surround me and had his elders harass me to leave the building if I wanted to worship on my knees or raise my hands in church. I was not rude, arrogant, loud, nor drawing attention to myself, yet I was man-handled so violently that Ross Parsley left my wrists and arms with black and red bruises on them. Was this a power struggle? After all, Ross Parsley could never climb to leadership and limelight as Pastor Ted had. When I asked Ross, who he thought he was, he ordered as mean as someone trying to rape me that he was now my pastor and that I better obey him or I would be bodily picked up and cast our of the church. Have we sold ourselves into communism? I washed the dust off of my feet after I witnessed what was done to Pastor Ted, Pastor Gayle, and their five beautiful children!

    Gayle Haggard had taught me to forgive my dad and my brother and my grandfather and my uncle-yet she too was wounded not by what Pastor Ted supposedly did (because she KNOWS and TRUSTS in whom she is married), but by those that claimed to love her as the "Body of Christ" and "Sisters" and "Brothers". I have never met anyone in my life as awesome and as holy as the Haggards are. I don't care if anyone sinned, (which I do not believe at all) but I forgave him in less than a nanosecond if that were the case. Whoa! to those that railroaded Pastor Ted! They say Pastor Ted made the decision to admit it and to be ousted out on his own, yet who in their right mind would have been thinking rational during those three horrible days of harassment, and all else that Pastor Ted endured? He was accused (although the lie-detector said the accuser lied), butchered and, crucified in three days! I am sure he had to deal with the SHOCK of his wife finding out, his five children crying and hurting, his own church (that he built from his own basement) spurning him, the world accusing and laughing at him, and you mean to tell me that he made a "Rational Decision!"? Anyone would heave been feeling all that he endured and some would have killed themselves. Jesus did not defend himself when they did the same thing to him. The bottom line here is about killing and destroying anyone that truly LOVES Jesus Christ! Those in the supposedly GAY world live a lie! One with one intention, and that is to militantly force each and everyone of you to submit to their ways or else! I know-I was one of those that marched in the Gay Pride Parades and was brainwashed into hating anyone that was Straight! I know their agenda! I know their ways! I also know the sinful lifestyle that no straight person can ever imagine! There are manifestations available to gays that resembles no civilized life on earth and I promise you-that you would run in fear and trembling if you knew what I knew. I know the truth, and it is time that the real world, non-christians, straight people, as well as Christians open their eyes to the truth. God does not make mistakes! His design of mankind is unique, and flawless! No matter who cuts off a body part and puts on female clothes or visa versa, no matter what they claim nor do, there is no way on earth that by doing so somehow makes them the opposite sex. Plus think on this... sex outside of marriage is a sin... Plain and simple. Did we write another Bible that says "Oh, but the homosexuals can commit sexual sins with one another outside of marriage"? Sex outside of marriage is called Fornication. Sin is sin, is sin, is sin.

    Yes, God loves gays, but God hates sin! Yes God forgives Gays-if they repent-and repentance means "I will never do that again!". God also declares that he will turn homosexuals over to a reprobate mind, and if you have never been gay, YOU DO NOT UNDERSTAND WHAT THAT MEANS OR FEELS LIKE. Reprobate people want to hang around and prefer one another. They gather as vultures to any cause to promote one another, and they hate anyone that is not like them. If you will turn your head and not face facts, then you too will be held accountable in the same way an accomplice is convicted if they are involved when a murder or robbery happens. WAKE UP WORLD!

    I know Pastor Ted Haggard, I have been to his house, and eaten his food, and played by his pool, and I would lay my life down for him and for Gayle Haggard. No, church isn't about a building, nor a man, ... but tell me... who on earth picks a church to join, and hook up with without checking out the way the preacher preaches or how the worship is? What planet are they living on that deny this?

    I am appalled! I am ashamed of those that call themselves Christians and kill others for power, and money, and politics... as I witnessed happen-as the whole world watched and mocked!

    If I were still gay today, this would have sent out a message-to be very careful not to tell anyone that you sin, are a sinner, or have ever sinned, (when no one on earth is sinless-no one except Jesus) or they will cast you out?! There is forgiveness to gays, murders, thieves, adulterers, liars, cons, --- you name it, but that forgiveness is not free. It comes with a mighty cost, and that price is Jesus Christ. To anyone that will stop what they are doing and go the opposite way, (towards the cross) God will instantly forgive, and restore them. The punishment issue and how long we make sinners pay-is a man-made deal, it isn't a God deal. Only God has the right to cast out, only God has the right to judge, and although He is an amazingly loving Father, He is also one that will spank your butt when you refuse to obey. I would spank the rear ends of my children if they needed it as well, and if you love your kids no matter what they do, there are times you too would correct them to the point that it is seared in their hearts to never do that again!

    Cindy <((><

  2. I agree that Dobson is backing away because he's afraid it will blow up in his face. But why would he agree to do it on Monday and then back away on Tuesday?

    Anonymous, sorry about your troubles.

  3. Rick and Barry,

    My theory is that Haggard is a life long homosexual who had fooled Dobson for much of their mutual relationship. I think Dobson misunderstood Haggard’s problem as something like gay sex addiction without realizing Haggard was a gay man living a straight life. Once Dobson realized Haggard was the real deal and unlike to change teams – Dobson backed away. Dobson’s nightmare scenario is for Haggard to go through counseling, be declared and ex-gay, then revert to previous tendencies.

    I’ve known many gay and lesbian people over the years, several have changed teams at different time and for different reasons. I’ve also know many gay men who live straight and at some point came out and started living as Gay men. My point is that people make the choice as to how they live their lives and do not respond well to outside programs. It is a personal issue. The thought of talking somebody out of being gay is absurd to me, it is like trying to talk somebody out of liking sunlight. If Haggard is a gay man, as he seems to be, he is highly unlikely to change. However, even if he did change, he is likely to revert. It is a lose lose for Dobson.lnoagqz

  4. Anonymous10:02 AM

    Thank you for your blog. I am glad the church had good bylaws and one hopes that other Christians can forgive.

    I agree with you that God can help people control sexual urges and that sex before marriage is a sin. However marriage is a somewhat artificial construct - so I would say sex outside a committed relationship (with a partner of either sex) is a sin. Wedding ceremonies are a relatively modern invention.

    However, there are some people who biologically do prefer people of the same sex. It is time that Christians are educated on the latest biological and scientific awareness of gay tendencies in people. Christians cannot ignore basic scientific findings and bury their heads like ostriches any longer. Some may well want to partner for life with members of the same sex.

    In Biblical times people did the best they could with the knowledge they had - but now we have much more knowledge and Christians should not think of committed gay relationships as sinful, even though sex outside those relationships could be considered sinful.

    I also agree with you that people go through phases in their life where they prefer the same sex to the opposite sex - maybe out of a need to bond safely, peer pressure or fear - and that God can help people get out of these relationships into a healthier one.

    Now the gay life style does pose serious ethical questions - does every child have the right to a mother and father - or are two loving mothers or two loving fathers just as good. That is for the individual conscience to consider.

    Whereas families are important other influences - the press, church, videogames, schools, TV and peers are just as important. So one would hope that all these would show a spirit of forgiveness and healthy examples.

  5. Anonymous,

    I guess the only thing I can say is “I reject your reality and replace it with my own”.

    Without the burden of religion, Ted Haggard’s actions would be viewed as deceitful, repressible, hate-filled bigotry. He has launched a crusade on being gay that is rivaled by few people in the world. As a leader of a large organization with the stated goal of depriving rights to gay people, while at the same time he was gay. Without God as a guide, I would simply never trust the man again.

    You see, without religion, one must use logic and reason to make judgments. In Haggard’s case, history tells us of his poor behavior, and history is the best indicator for future behavior. Haggard is simply unfit to lead due to his dishonesty.

    Your views on being gay are interesting, but only in that they reflect a Christian worldview. Strip away the blinders of Christian rhetoric and we find that gay people are simply people seeking the same rights as other Americans. Their sexual habits and the sexual habits of every other American are none of our business.

    Your personal history is tragic. Rape, incest, and physical/mental abuse often lead to drug abuse and experimentation with alternate lifestyles. I’ve known several people who fit your mold exactly. They get sober, get religion/love/enlightenment and became better for the healing, some remain in lifelong gay relationships, some have move back to straight relationships. There are many paths to healing, some good, some not so good. Submitting to the authority of pastor is a “not so good” choice because rather than speaking as a medical professional, they speak as a moral professional, which means, if you do not fit their worldview, you need to be healed, or more accurately molded, to fit the worldview. A medical professional will never tell you that if you are gay you need to be healed – the thought is ludicrous.

    Please do not take this wrong – but your church is all about power and almost nothing about authentic religion. The people who took over are influential and powerful and covet the exposure and importance of the leadership of your church. There is nothing “holy” about it. Megachurch simply means megapowerbase – money, power, influence, and adoring fans (like yourself). Go find yourself a small church, or better yet, I can point you to a few secular humanist organizations.

  6. Listen to Paul Hipp singing "Meth And Man Ass" (The Huffington Post)

  7. Anonymous12:46 PM


    I too am a victim of that wolf Stockstill. I interviewed a lot of people after I left and most are not satisfied yet they still mechanically attend.

    The latest questionable event that happened was a play in which all the roles for demons were filled with african americans and the angels were caucasians.

    Go figure??

  8. Anonymous12:50 PM


    I forgot.... check out the article at on Larry Stockstill and let it be a start of your own warnings of Stockstill. Let people know as you've started here. Larry Stockstill still brags about being the lead Overseer of your church.

  9. Anonymous9:54 PM

    These are the most ridiculous comments regarding Mr. Stockstill. If anything, he jeopardized his reputation to even be involved in this case. I was impressed with Mr. Stockstill and the other counselors for how they handled this difficult case.
