
Sunday, October 29, 2006

What is spirituality anyway?

Saito Sobrius asks the question - Are you spiritual?

I keep coming across the notion, mostly in American writings, that although many people no longer regard themselves as religious, still they stress the importance of spirituality. I have a problem with spirituality. I don't know what it means. And I'm pretty sure nobody else really does either.

Source: Salto sobrius: But First -- Are You Spiritual?

Funny - I ask this question of myself. I answer it no - not spiritual. Sometimes I get all emotional in response to art, music, beauty, logic, or even the smile on my wife's face. But, these are far from spiritual. They are emotive responses to outside stimulus. I don't get spirituality. I never really have.

The fun part of Martin's post is in the comments. Nobody knows what spirituality means, and since Martin ain' from around these parts, his interpretations of Americans use of the term spirituality are interesting.

The Science Pundit said...

Salman Rushdie said it best when he suggested that the word "spirituality" should be banned from the English language for 50 years.

Right on! I equate spirituality to religion. I equate spirituality in atheism to waffling.  There is no God, the is no soul, no spirit, no metaphysical world. Only here, now.


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  1. Anonymous11:25 PM

    I tried to post a comment yesterday, but this stupid hotel internet service interrupted and I lost what I typed.

    I'll try to replicate what I said.

    I think spirituality is a term used to describe belief in something that can't be explained with logic and science. It's also used to water down one's faith so as not to look too religious. I don't use the word even thought I'm not very religious. I always say I'm more philosophical than I am religious.

    I agree that there is no place for the word in an atheist's vocabulary.

  2. Atul - I always feel like I'm missing the joke when I hear other christians talking about the S word.
