
Sunday, October 29, 2006

Tennessee homophobic fundies boycott Wal-Mart

...boycott ends when fundies realize they can't find everyday low prices on pork rinds at the Piggly Wiggly.

but seriously...  

Pastor Carol Jacobs says the church had been spending thousands of dollars at Wal-Mart and Sam's Club for supplies but won't do so anymore.

Source: - Tennessee Church Starts Wal-Mart Boycott over gay support

It really is a symbolic gesture, because, a couple thousand dollars to Wal-Mart is like a single leaf to a tree. It ain't going to matter. I was intrigued by their motivation - Why was Pastor Jacobs so dead-set against selling gay oriented products? Hell, what are gay oriented products anyway? I've never even thought about it before. I suppose there are gay products, I mean, I'm fat and Wal-Mat sells stretch pants; not the good George Forman brand, but the cheep ass Chinese knock off brands. I digress...

Pastor Carol has done research. He knows what gay products are better than anybody... well better than anybody who's not already gay I suppose.

Randy Sharp, AFA's director of special projects said he did an online search of  using such terms as "gay," "lesbian," "transgender," "bisexual," and "gay marriage".

"They'll come up with hundreds, sometimes even thousands of products relating to homosexuality [and promotion of] the agenda of the homosexual community," Sharp told Christian publication Agape.

Source: - AFS: Avoid Gay Friendly Wal-Mart

Running the risk of exposing myself to "gay influence", I conducted the same experience. Using the term "GAY" Wal-Mart returned:

Using the term "LESBIAN" if found: (oh please be the L-word, please)

Using the term "TRANSGENDER" I found:

I gave up at this point. It was pointless. Wal-Mart is selling mainstream gay themed products, none of which will find their way on to local store shelfs unless they sell in sufficient numbers to warrant a stocking program. And contrary to the fears of Pastor Carol Jacobs and his flock of sheeple, no gay conversion kits were being sold.

So, Wal-Mart online is acting much like any other online retailer and selling products its customers demand. Whoopdeedoo! No story here. Move along.

I put fundamentalist nutball into Wal-Mart online - it returned no products. Maybe Pastor Carol Jacobs should shop elsware.

Hat tip: Dispatches from the Culture Wars

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