
Thursday, October 12, 2006

Good things from Texas

I followed a link from a comment on Deep Thoughts to a Texas based blog called TXatheist. That's right, an atheist blogger in in the fundie state of Texas! I added TXatheist to my blogroll and then went back for a read. I found this gem.

I've been given a statistic from the Penn Jillette show. Of the surveyed 75,000 inmates there were 156 prisoners identifying themselves as atheists. That's actually higher than I thought. I think .2 percent is accurate but I've only ever heard of 2 atheists. One on a HBO program and one who wrote to the Atheist Community of Austin asking for reading material.
Source: TXatheist

I've always wondered about the ratio of atheist to theists. I need to find the actual study, does anybody know?

Also in Texas...

I found a link to the Texas based "The Non Prophets" via Villa Nandes. The Non Prophets is an atheist themed podcast that has been running for years. They are part of the Atheist Community of Austin, a large atheist group in Texas! Go figure.

Nothing worse than a Monday morning at work with no new updates from my regular podcasts to listen to, so off I go hunting. While looking through the Podcast Pickle directory I stumbled onto the latest episode of The Non-Prophets. Yet one more source of information that meshes perfectly with my atheistic worldview. Their show is sponsored by the Atheist Community of Austin, the existence of which leads me to believe that not all Texans are fundamentalist short-bussers.
Source: Villa Nandes

I listened to The Non Prophets "Jesus Camp" episode today while home sick from work. I found it entertaining and well worth an hour of my time. Now I need to work backwards... A note for the causal listener, there is some light profanity.

From the Jesus Camp episode I found the following Atheist resources: - a resource for atheist parenting

I guess this is needed. I perused the content and found it interesting if a little out of date. - an atheist counter apologetic

This wiki is intended to provide information on apologetics and counter-apologetics. We'll be collecting common arguments and providing responses, information and resources to help counter the glut of misinformation and poor arguments which masquerade as "evidence" for religious claims.

OK - so, good things can come from Texas. I still can't drive in the friggen state without getting a ticket!


  1. "I've always wondered what the ratio of atheist on theists."

    This is the best place for prison statistics. If you can't find your answer there, I'll be surprised.

  2. The vile blasphemer - I did indeed find the things I was looking for.

  3. Anonymous12:00 PM

    I would think that in the criminal element that the ratio of atheist on theists would not be a fair comparson. The IQ of the average inmate would be (I would say) just a little lower then average un-incarcerated mouth breather.

    god of light and reason

  4. Hey there, mojoey! I ran into your link because I was doing a narcissist search on my site, Thanks a ton for the plugs! Glad you enjoyed our stuff.

    - Russell Glasser
    Iron Chariots founder
    Non-Prophets producer
