
Friday, October 13, 2006

Crucifixion in Iraq

I picked this story up off of digg, but only to prove a point. Can you guess what it is?

Christians are living a terrified life in Mosul and Baghdad. Several priests have been kidnapped, girls are being raped and murdered and a couple of days ago a fourteen year old boy was crucified in the Christian neighborhood Albasra.
Source: Islamic Group Beheads Assyrian Priest

Despite looking, I cannot find other sources for this alleged news event, besides blogs that is. And we all know what an accurate source of information blogs tend to be. So why does something like this get reported on Could it be because people want to believe it and becasue digg is policed by its users? One must always be skeptical.

Of course, fundies from the Religion of Peace did behead a priest this week. Fr. Paul Alexander (Paulos Iskander) was murdered on Wednesday after being kidnapped on Monday. The murderers demanded a ransom of $350K and a written apology for the Pope's anti-islamic remarks be nailed to the door of Alexander's church.

Iskander was discovered the following day with his arms and legs severed and arranged around his head, which rested on his chest. His remains were brought to a local hospital, which then contacted his church, MEC said.

Source: Middle East Times - Beheading of Iraqi priest latest attack on minorities

I think Islam's fundies might be worse than our American fundies. Who could do this to a priest?

Religion & fundamental - you got to love it.



  1. Anonymous6:15 PM

    I think Islam's fundies might be worse than our American fundies.

    It bothers me that I can't tell whether you are serious or sarcastic here.

  2. Please - totally sarcastic. There is no comparison.
