
Sunday, October 08, 2006

Addictions: Battlestar Galactica

What can I say, I love the show. My son gave me season one a few months ago. I watched the whole season over a couple of consecutive evenings. So did my wife. Heck, I watched five episodes on Saturday. The show is addicting, entertaining, and good science fiction too. Plus, it's got robots, hot robot women, hot robot women who have sex with hapless human men, oh, I could go on, believe me. I'll sticking with the classic "I watch it for the stories" line. It's just damn good entertainment... with hot robot women...

I've never watched the show. So I asked six über fans to give me, the uninitiated, a guide to the political and emotional lessons available from Battlestar Galactica, just in time for this Saturday's season premiere. What follows are verbatim excerpts from our conversations.
Source: Why Smart People Love 'Battlestar Galactica'

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