
Wednesday, September 13, 2006

On the road again

I've been on travel this week visiting Indianapolis and Boston, so posting has been light. Between working hard and the after work social activities associated with my job, I only have time for sleep. Take today, almost 8 hour of work, followed by 9 hours of travel. Now, I have time for one post, some emails, and then sleep.

I had an epiphany in Indianapolis. My friend challenged me to think about if I was really ever a Christian or not. At one time I believed, but I had to admit that I always had doubts about what I was learning. I constantly asked questions about why rock music was bad, or why one religion was true while another was a cult. Moral issues caused me great confusion. These questions, led me to think critically about the big picture of religion and moral behavior. Eventually my doubts lead me to realize that I did not believe. So the question, "was I ever really a christian or not", was valid. The answer is no. I spoke the words, I followed the rituals, but I never fully believed. I always doubted - always.

I final word about Indianapolis. I enjoyed a great meal in this wonderful midwest city. I ate at St. Elmo's - Wow. I particularly enjoyed the decor, it is very reminiscent of another era. The food was simple, yet outstanding. Navy bean soup, followed by prime rib, and then bread pudding for desert. The prime rib was one of the best cuts of meat I've ever had. I would return to Indianapolis just eat there again. It really was the highlight of a long trip. Plus, the company was outstanding. I'll post another review when I can. I also ate at Mo's steakhouse and visited a great cigar bar. I have a few new stories to tell.

Well... Two days to go...

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