
Monday, September 18, 2006

A Malaysian interracial love story

I read, I think, I write - and sometimes, what I read just don't make sense. I happened upon a Malaysian newspaper and fell down the rabbit hole of cultural misunderstanding. Muslim Khalid writes of his love for a Malaysian Christian girlfriend.

I am a Muslim from Pakistan. I have a Malaysian girlfriend who is Christian. We have built a wonderful relationship that transcends everything - even time, space, race and religion. We have discussed marriage and she had told me that she is not willing to convert to Islam. She was very frank and honest with me (I appreciate that as it is the basis for a good and lasting relationship). She told me that she did not believe in Islam, though as a Christian she believed in one God.
I read the whole thing - In Malaysia, to marry, the girlfriend is compelled by the state to convert to Islam. Your new religion goes on your identity card (IC) and determines how you are treated by the state in the future. The girlfriend in this tragedy has no desire to convert, she is a devout Christian. What are two young lovers to do? Or course, many other letters follow. All are outstanding examples of how little I understand this culture.
Well... At least they are talking about it.

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