
Saturday, September 16, 2006

Fighting the culture war

Why is congress wasting time with likes of activist Navy chaplain Lt Gordon James Klingenschmitt? There are more important issues in this country, we are at war in two countries, our economy needs help, trade issues abound, gas prices... I can go on and on. Yet Rep. Duncan Hunter (R-CA) and Sen. John Warner (R-VA) are pressing ahead with this non-issue. Klingenschmitt deserves his Article 15 - or whatever punishment he receives for his flagrant disregard of military rules. Yet this non-issue, an officer violating direct orders, is a cause celeb for the religious right. It comes down to what the job description of a chaplain; they are supposed to represent a generic faith to a diverse armed services. Yet Klingenschmitt uses his pulpit to proclaim his unique version of evangelical Christianity - it just so happens to be the same faith at the Commander In Chief, so rather than deal with real issues, like losing the war or the shared disgrace of Lynndie England. It’s easier to compromise the neutrality of chaplains than it is to deal with a screwed up war and state sanctioned torture. At least the Military Military seems sane on this issue . Klingenschmitt seems destined for some level of pain.
The judge, refusing Klingenschmitt's motion earlier this month to drop the case, concluded chaplains are protected only inside the chapel on Sunday morning. If ordered not to worship in public, and they disobey, chaplains can be punished at a criminal court martial.
I wonder how tolerant the Religious Right would be if Klingenschmitt issued a call to convert to Islam instead of closing a prayer "in Jesus name"?

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