
Thursday, September 28, 2006

The Bridge Troll Lair

I pass the bridge troll's lair each morning on the way to work. I've seen him several times. Over the last three months, his home has grown more complex. Three days ago I spotted four other trolls standing on the incline drinking coffee. They seemed excited about something. I don't know what.

Libertarians would say that private philanthropy should step in to help. Only they won't. The Government does not care. Public agencies don't venture under the bridge, it is too dangerious. At some point the police will show up and destroy this bridge roll lair. The bridge trolls will move to a new home and start again.

I want to help, but I don't know how.

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1 comment:

  1. As an undergaduate in archaeology and anthropology I did a class project on people and their settlements like you show in the photograph.
    Some things I learned.
    Many were adamant about not living in any kind of shelter/institution.
    Many worked at day labor or other enterprises. Some hoped to avoid more permanent jobs and responsibilities.
    I learned many other things to numerous to mention.
    In the end, the city forcibly removed these people from their impromptu settlements. All for the purposes of urban renewal and green parks next to yuppies' condos. I find it unfortunate that some allowance won't be made for people to live like this if they choose.
