Wednesday, August 02, 2006

Random Stencils

I walk the streets with my head down. I’m fascinated by these damn stencils. I found this first one near Tito’s Taco’s over the weekend. I don’t even know what it is. It looks like a tree and maybe a flock of birds or a cloud.

The thing is, somebody knows what it means. Somebody took the time to put it there. Why, I don’t know. They just did it. I imagine some kids say something like, hey, “lets go paint stencils. That would be cool” – whatever.

I figure this one is a skull. I am sure it means something. I found it a further along the same street as the picture above.

As I stopped to take this picture said "you an artist or something - hell, I can take pictures of that crap too". Lovely - I am sure he could.

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