
Sunday, November 20, 2005

Nutball Alert: Prussian Blue

Oh - what the hell? The first time I heard of Prussian Blue (NWS) I thought it was a morning DJ joke. But, stories kept coming through my email filter - before long I had to read about them. ABC news did I good overview piece Young Singers Spread Racist Hate. If the mother of Lamb and Lynx Gaede is not committing physiological child abuse by teaching her daughters such hatred, I don’t know what child abuse is.

I have little patience for this type of scat, and will say little more than this is clearly wrong – based in hate, meant to startle, and despite my libertarian leanings – should be stopped. Hate speech is hate speech even if uttered from the mouths of little blond angles.

I wonder if is too late to save them?

My dinner with the white supremacists by Harmon Leon. A good insight into these nutballs.

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  1. My friend whos an internet radio DJ told me about this, talk about crazy...

  2. Anonymous10:19 PM

    Let’s see, you asked about child abuse. Raising kids in ghetto conditions on welfare. Then you add in teaching your kids to hate whity, have no respect for law and take every benefit the state and federal government will give you in handouts. Next you teach them how to crank up the ghetto blaster so everyone in 10 blocks get to listen to recorded instruction in abuse of woman and kids, drugs, how to kills cops, etc. I could make the list much longer but I believe that anyone with any real sense gets the point. Now if anyone what to disagree why not make a trip to say New Orleans, Compton or even Detroit.

  3. Anonymous8:35 PM

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