
Saturday, September 10, 2005

Graduation Pic's are up

Pepperdine Graduation
Pepperdine Graduation,
originally uploaded by mojoey.
I finally posted some of my graduation pictures at my flickr blog. Let me know if you want a high res copy.


  1. Those are some great photos I just posted some of my own on my flickr account. I want to tell you about

    it is great. If you sign up now its beta and you get a premier account for life and can upload up to 22,000 photos. They also have a program that you can install and use it to drag & drop as many photos as you want instead of selecting each. Check it out.

  2. Anonymous11:53 PM

    hey, you just reminded me, i don't think that i posted my pics from graduation. good shots, i want to post the one that you took of me, thanks. let's meet up at alum event or a poker game or something. keep in touch.

    PS. CONGRATS! How does it feel to be done? I'm still not getting enough sleep, darn it!

  3. Anonymous12:12 AM

    Johnny Crow - btw, there is a free Flickr Uploader which allows you to drag and drop photos then upload to Flickr. Nonetheless, I did sign up for Shutter Book, thanks for the posting the link. But I do want to say that I took ~1,000 during my 2.5 week vacation in Japan alone. I wonder how fast I would use up the 22K shots. Flickr is based on percentage uploaded per month, not total storage. Hmm...

  4. I think if I had a digital camera, I could easily fill up 22,000 photos. So by chance I just sign up a few accounts under my various e-mails effectivly multiplying my amount of uploads. I found the uploader for flickr, but I always seem to go over my percentage for the month.

  5. Anonymous12:39 PM

    i have an upgraded pro account on flickr, so i barely use 1-2% per month. i could sign up for multiple accounts, but that gets hairy. if you don't have one, you should get a digital camera!!

  6. Smhyla,

    I still wake up in the middle of the night thinking I need to write a paper or read something for tomorrows class. And then I realize I'm done...
