
Saturday, September 24, 2005

Danger - Poisonous Animals

I understanding the intent, poisonous or venomous animals, but I cannot be sure about the animals they are warning us about.. Are ticks poisonous, or did they forget a set of legs and really mean poisonous spiders? And, what the hell is in the upper left corner - a poisonous horned butterfly thing?

My friend John turned me on to the sign - it’s a classic wtf.


  1. Ticks are certainly dangerous in that they carry lyme disease along with other nasty bacteria.

  2. Totally a WTF. I can understand the snake.. maybe the tick with lyme disease, but the other two.. what is that bottom one a cattapillar? BEWARE: Poisonous Insect things with a ribcage and a blob on it right side and two antenna on its "head" I can't even imagine what it is..

  3. I am sure it's not a tick but rather a very poisonous spider that has lost 2 of the legs... you wouldn't believe how angry a spider that has just lost 2 legs can get!

    The bottom right one is a "cienpiƩs"... dunno the name in english and don't feel like getting my spanish-english dictionary right now...
