
Friday, April 01, 2005

Dork Alert: Segway in Long Beach

What is the point? If I had one I'd weigh 500 pounds. It is easier to walk.


  1. I am such a dork because I want one so bad. Not that I would use it in place of walking, but I would trick it out.. thats right folks I would have two... One I could off road with, big tires and some shock absorbers.. talk about jumps... and the other I would NOS out.. (like I could) but they go about 35-45 and I dont need a licence.. so I could be a pimp and go where I want.. I wonder when the first Alcohol Segway related incedent will occur?

  2. Anonymous3:21 PM

    Segways are for people who enjoy new and fun things. With all due respect, you wouldn't weigh 500lbs because of a Segway, you'd weigh that much if you were inactive/over eating lard ass. A segway has nothing to do with that.
