
Friday, February 04, 2005

20 Things I learned in Budapest.

  1. The thumbs down symbol mean, “I want a BJ”.
  2. Hungarian beer is good, but toasting with it is considered bad form.
  3. Goulash tastes a lot like beef stew
  4. Paprika is taken very seriously and it is used in everything
  5. Hungarians do not like Russians (not at all).
  6. Hungary has done a great job removing signs of the Soviet Union.
  7. Hungarian woman are pretty and age gracefully.
  8. Prostitutes are plentiful, attractive and inexpensive (I was just browsing)
  9. Hungarian food emphasizes meat and is heavy with potatoes. It reminds of American Midwest farm food.
  10. Hungarians like pancakes.
  11. Graffiti is out of control, every building in Budapest is covered with it, and all of it is bad.
  12. I felt like I was welcome and safe. Hungary reminds me of parts of America. (Not big city America, but little city America, the towns you drive through when driving between big cities.)
  13. Hotel beds are for very small people. Hotel service on the other had, was outstanding.
  14. The Hungarians I met were well educated, efficient, and professional. I was impressed with their potential for growth. It might take awhile, but Hungary is going to be a player in the EU.
  15. The weather in winter sucks. The forecast for today, cold and gray, forecast for tomorrow, cold and gray with snow…
  16. Many Hungarians speak very good English – on the other hand, I did not pickup a single word. Their language is very hard to understand and even harder to pronounce.
  17. I did not think Hungarians were particularly religious until the Pope got sick, then the church bells started.
  18. They listen to bad American music. Madonna seems to top the list. But I heard just about every tasteless POS top 40 pop song imaginable.
  19. Hungarian rap is bad. Imagine hoards of Snoop Dog want-to-be’s, only white, ugly, and with little talent except mimicry. I won’t go into TV…
  20. Hungary is the porn capital of Europe, now I understand why.

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